We wrapped up our summer library programs for our Caledonia branch by creating some edible soil compositions and learned that there are 5 layers: Organic Material, Topsoil, Subsoil, Parent Material, and Bedrock! Thanks so much to Mr. Darrell from the Lowndes County Extension Office for coming out! And our teens were gracious enough to let little siblings come with them to decorate their own mugs while we listened to Hank the Cowdog.
We’re done with summer programs in Caledonia, but no fear! Wee Baby comes back to Caledonia on Monday, July 29 at 10 a.m.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusLowndesPLS/posts/pfbid02F7W6Mb4CmhYRaHHGX4rAUHEDPSBir511rZEugFvW2DFngXj6Rp7KpSetJcvNTFYXl